Digital Stamp Collection

This is my personal project of digitally recreating my grandpa's stamps. It's a homage to his philatelic journey, brought online when I started my own philately collection, but in a different format. Through this collection I've set myself a goal of trying out new softwares.

Adobe Illustrator
© 2022

In 2020 when the quarantine started so did my digital stamp collection. With over 100 stamps recreated and three distinct styles explored, I try to push boundaries and learn new softwares.

The initial designs were created using Adobe Illustrator, then curiosity led me to explore Procreate and later on Affinity Desiner x Intous Pro. As a result, the stamps became more detailed and textured with each switch of the software. I keep saying next phase should be stamps in motion but we'll see about that! More on this project soon here

Digital Stamp Collection